Valley Grl – ROLE MODELZ

Modern artists are rebelling against usual genre conventions by refusing to be put into a singular box, they want to be defined by their music, not the genre they sit under and Valley Grl is a prime example of this. Refusing to be contained, she blends the rhythm of hip hop, the heavy beats of trap and the rebellious spirit that comes with the anti-pop movement to form a soundscape that is distinctly her own whilst simultaneously pushing through the clutter others surround her with. Most artists take years to get to this point but she’s managed to do it one swift movement with her debut project, SORRY YOU COULDN’T MAKE IT, encapsulating everything that makes her so fascinatingly addictive as an artist. With three tracks, it’s a short but sweet affair with one song that stood out.

ROLE MODELZ is everything you need to know about her music, the lowkey emotive verses building up slowly to a grand chorus of thumping abrasive electronics that reverberate through your body as they clash with her autotuned vocal to form a glorious euphonic collision of cataclysmic proportions. Powerful, punchy and something I’ve been blasting out on repeat since its release, Valley Grl makes her presence known and makes this introduction one you certainly won’t forget.

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