SC.undercover – Damaged Goods


R&B is a genre that can deliver high levels of emotion, there’s just something about the style, production and overall appeal of the genre that allows people to easily emotively connect with the music. It’s this reason why we’re premiering SC.undercover’s latest offering, the alluring, compelling and overall stunning piece Damaged Goods.

I will say this, the production of this track is superbly done, it never takes away from the soft and luscious tones of SC.undercover whilst also creating this intimate atmosphere that makes it feel like he is confessing his pain to you. It’s almost as if you’re sat a bar where he’s come in, sat next to you and just put his heart on his sleeve, telling you about the hardships and reality of actually trying to live out your dream.

That’s the thing about the track though, it’s the story that makes it so special. A lot of songs these days always focus on living the dream but they rarely actually talk about the hardships that came beforehand or what you’d have to do to get there. It’s this that makes this a beautifully honest track that you’ll want to download right now.



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