In the modern era of social media a lot of people are guilty of lying online to create a fake persona that makes them appear to be something that they are not. It’s an interesting subject matter that has become more common as the internet progresses and that’s exactly why Atlanta, Georgia native Brynn Elliott is exploring the topic with one of her tracks from her latest EP Time Of Our Lives.

The track Internet You has a stellar production surrounding it with a minimalistic production focusing on gentle synth beats forming the backing track with her soft alluring vocals bringing the lyrics of the track to life. Elliott starts the track tenderly singing about how she loved this man before soon realising who he truly is but still holds the fake him close to her whilst also realising this man is actually a stranger. The lyrics effortlessly express this with, “You showed me everything, Just to hide your scars,” and, “It was all fake, none of it was true,” being the heavy hitters.

“Philosophy and music are two sides of the same coin for me. Pop music looks for what is universal in the world, providing that place for people to come and relate about the things we all feel, which is what philosophy does as well. My passion for those ideas isn’t going to go away after college – they might just look and sound different.” – Brynn Elliott

Connect with Brynn Elliott: Twitter | Instagram | Spotify

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