
As of late Queer pop has been going through what can only be described as a golden period where so many artists are managing to come out with relatable, personal and honest singles and Elm are at the forefront of this with their debut single Fear having a commanding energy from the second the song starts to the moment in ends. Oh and on top of that it’s got a beautiful message behind it.

The track dives into accepting who you are and who you love, a message that is becoming more and more important with every passing day, with passionate lyrics, a shimmering vocal display and unique soundscape creating something rather special. The production is out of this world, I will say that now, because the moment I heard those electronics melt into the cello I said, “holy shit this is good,” and that is a direct quote there! Honestly when the electronics and strings combine they manage to create a divine atmosphere amplifies the energy, meaning and vocal of the track further and ends on a euphoric moment where everything seems heavenly.

This is an empowering track that has, and will, put Elm on the map as one of the leading artists coming out of Ireland and the queer pop scene there. This band has the potential to create waves in the world and I fully believe their music is something special.


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